33 причины посетить Индию

33 причины посетить Индию

Воскресенье, 12 мая 2013 г.

1) Because rush hour here is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.


2) And no matter what day it is, you’re likely going to see a parade.

27 Reasons to Visit India

3) Because eating fresh isn’t a lifestyle choice, it’s the norm.

27 Reasons to Visit India

4) And this is what your grocery store looks like.


5) Because the British left behind some amazing buildings . . .

(Здание писателей)

6) . . . and so did the Muslims . . .

(Только Имамбара)

7) . . . as well as the Mughals.

(Могила Хумаюна)

8) Because toilets are incredibly simple (it’s what you do when you’re done that’s confusing).

27 Reasons to Visit India

9) Because you may find enlightenment anywhere, even your hotel.

(Гостевой дом Bodhi Tree, Калькутта)

10) Or at the exact spot where the Buddha did.

(Дерево Бодхи, Бодхгайя)

11) In India, the only thing that seems to outnumber the people are the number of temples (almost).

27 Reasons to Visit India

12) For many children here, going to school means going to monastery.

27 Reasons to Visit India

13) This is how their day is spent . . .

27 Reasons to Visit India

14) . . . and this is what what their classroom looks like.

27 Reasons to Visit India

15) Here, the real heros are the motorcycles.

27 Reasons to Visit India

16) In India, they know how to put the “mass” in mass transportation.

27 Reasons to Visit India

17) Sometimes it seems like around every corner, you run into a religious ceremony.

1 (313)

18) Some including fire . . .

27 Reasons to Visit India

19) . . . and others involving water.

27 Reasons to Visit India

20) Perfume shopping is done a little differently here.

27 Reasons to Visit India

21) Cows are pretty much everywhere you go . . .

27 Reasons to VIsit India

22) . . . and so are dogs (they’re just not loved as much).

27 Reasons to Visit India

23) The River Ganges is a great place to take a bath at the end of the day . . . .


24) . . . as well as in the morning.

27 Reasons to Visit India

25) Because it’s only sunrises like these that can make any sane person get up at 4:30 in the morning.

27 Reasons to Visit India

26) India was home to the 20th century’s most revered person.

27 Reasons to Visit India

27) In India, kids are everywhere, and they love having their picture taken.

27 Reasons to Visit India

27 Reasons to Visit India


28) Even when you’re in the same country, you sometimes feel like you’re in a different world.


29) And prayer flags never get old.

27 Reasons to Visit India

30) Because border crossings are like something out of a movie . . .

(Граница Индии / Непала — хребет Сингалыла)

31) . . . and so are the hiking trails.

27 Reasons to Visit India

32) But with views like this in the morning . . .

(Гора Канченджанга, 3-я самая высокая гора в мире)

33) Chances are, you’ll never want to leave.

(Гора Эверест)

By Мэтт Стабильный


Мэтт Стабильный Bio PictureМэтт Стабильный is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Truvl.ru. You can read his writings, watch his travel videos, purchase the book he co-edited or contact him via email at any time at Truvl.ru. (@TheExpeditioner)

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